The Blue Train

  The stories of this series tell the adventures of the Blue Train and its trips to mountain and sea and desert. Children, while riding on the Blue Train, will read poems, enjoy the images, and get to know the Nature.

Poems by: Ghazaleh Kian
Illustration by: Hassan Ameh kan.
Titles of the Books:
Mountain, Sea, Desert, Forest.
Colour Illustration
Size: ... x ....
Number of Pages: 10
First Print: 2011
Hardcover+ Wheel/ four title series

Clack clack  clack, the Blue Train
Clack clack clack  How splendid it is
The Blue Train, in the mountain hill
The Desert has
A lot of camels
Two hills on their back
with the name of hump.
Inside the forest
The weather is so fair
It seems as though
Sun is going to set
Jump into the water
One and two and three
We do not have
Shark and whale here

The Blue Train
The Blue Train
The Blue Train
The Blue Train